Wednesday, May 5, 2010

:: Blog Slacker ::

Just in case there is anyone out there who still checks my blog... :) I am still alive and I am such a slacker! I think about writing a new post quite often, then I think about how much has happened since I last wrote and how much my life has changed... and I don't know where to start! Or, like right now it's almost 1:00am and I really need to get to bed! So, this is just a quick note to say "hi" and to make a blogger-promise to write soon! And also... I miss you my blogger friends! I miss hearing/seeing what's new in your lives. And now that I'm a mom I have so many random questions and topics to write and ask about! So, I want to get back into blogging and catching up this way :)

But I do have a question for you... where should I start with my blog? My last bit of pregnancy? The birth story of my beautiful daughter Kenzie? Life as a Mom? Please, help me! :)

And, most of you are on my Facebook so you've probably seen tons of pictures of my sweet girl, but I will post some pics too. The last ones on here are of me pregnant! Man, that feels like a long time ago already...