Tuesday, October 21, 2008

:: He Left... on a Jet Plane ::

Josh and I are super excited about his new job!! The prayers of many were answered when Josh was offered a Class 1 driving position with a great company called Trimac. The BC branch is located in Port Kells, so Josh won't even have a commute! yay! For the first year his schedule is likely to be all over the show, so we're prepared for that. But he's been told that after one year he gets to make his own schedule, how great is that?!
Trimac does week-long training seminars for all new employees, in EDMONTON (for you Americans, that's in Alberta, the next province over from BC). So yesterday Josh flew out, and won't be home until Friday. Now I know it doesn't seem that long, but for us newly-weds it seems like forever! When we said goodbye at the airport you would've thought he was leaving for a year or something... I was fine until he got teary, and that was it, game over! But I thought it was kinda cool, that we would miss each other THAT much!
Our place is just too quiet without Josh there, so after taking him to the airport I went to my sister Lisa's house. I figured her family of 3 boys would keep me busy! We had fun colouring, playing, and reading books. I just love my nephews so much!!
I thought I'd read for awhile when I got home... and I found a love note from Josh under my book!! What a great surprise, it totally made my night :)
I've made plans for this week, hoping that the time goes by quickly. I'm going out for dinner tonight with my good friend Nadia, and really looking forward to catching up with her. Thursday is Girls Night! And there's always things to do around our place to keep me busy...

:: Enjoying a beautiful Fall day together at Derby Reach, on Sunday ::


Treena said...

Laura I know what you mean. A whole week to newly weds is a LONG time! :) I find weekends I'm working fine at first but missing him by the end of it. What a sweet thing for him to leave you a 'love note'. Keeping yourself busy is smart and you will find the time will fly by.

Morgan said...

So sweet! You two are so adorable!