Friday, December 5, 2008

:: "Blog Appropriate" ::

So I've been pondering a question lately - what is "blog appropriate?" I suppose the answer to this question is going to be different for everyone, and I'm still trying to define what this means for me. To be honest, I started my blog because I had a lot of free time and thought it would be fun. That season of free time has ended and I realize that I never gave me blog much thought as to what I wanted it to be all about. I know that I don't want it to be all fluff and only the "good" stuff of life... that seems so unrealistic and untrue! And yet do I want to pour out my heart and deepest struggles for the world to see? Not necessarily! So I'm trying to find a happy medium. I try to have a positive outlook on life and see the cup "half full" but I also value authenticity and integrity.
So that's what brings me here, finally writing after a few weeks of silence. I haven't forgotten about my blog and have enjoyed reading yours when I can. The past few weeks have been the toughest in my entire life to this point... walking the roughest road I've ever been on. When something in your life is that consuming it's tough to sit down and write about anything else. So I chose to not write at all. Maybe one day I'll share on my blog... I haven't decided yet. But for those of you who know Jesus, I'd like to ask for you to remember Josh and me in your prayers. He knows all and we know He is good! Thank you.
But I'm interested to know... what do you think is "Blog Appropriate?"


Morgan said...

I have been thinking about this a lot and was planning to post on it, too. I love having friends read my blog knowing that anything I would write I would tell them anyway. I creeped me out the other week when "anonymous" left a comment saying they disagreed with everything I said, but were interested because they "knew me from high school."

If it was a completely anonymous blog and only people I knew read it I'd know exactly how to post. If only close friends and family read it I'd still know how to post. But with both of those and everything in between it really confuses me. Let me know what you figure out!

Morgan said...

Oh yeah, and I'm so sorry you are going through this, Laura. It makes me sad and I wish I could do more. Let me know if there is anything I can do from California! I am definitely praying for you and Josh; that you know Jesus more through meeting Him in the fellowship of His suffering.

Anita Grace said...

Laura, thanks for taking the time to post! You are on my google reader and so I read it earlier tonight, and already spent some time in prayer for you & Josh and will continue to do so. As far as what is blog appropriate... well I for me (although my blog is private) I post alot about our family, and some things on what the Lord is encouraging me with and speaking to me about... but if it's something that I would only tell a few close friends or family(ie. something I wanted to be private), then I wouldn't blog about it. I know what you mean about wanting to be genuine, but I think you still can share ups and downs without feeling you need to share everything. Hope that helps!

My prayer for you guys is that the Holy Spirit would be your true comforter in this time of trial.

Christy said...

Praying for you two.....I think that's a good question and that the answer is different for everyone. I totally agree about looking on the upside but being real as well. I think sometimes sharing about our struggles and how God meets us there can be a great witness to those that may stumble across your blog but there are certainly things that those stumbers need not know.
Excellent question....made me think :)

Nickie said...

Hey Laura! I'm sorry that you are going through a tough time - I will keep you in my prayers.

As for what to post.... I don't really have a rule. I just post whatever I want that day. Sometimes it's like a journal of what we have been doing, sometimes its all good news and celebration, sometimes its my source to vent when I'm exhausted and worn out. I would say think about why you are blogging - is it for an outlet for yourself, or is it to keep others up to date on what's in your life? Is it to make people laugh, cry, think? All three?

That's about all the tips I have! :) Take care and Merry Christmas!

Jessi said...

Thanks for the update...we've missed you! As far as blog appropriate, for me, I use my blog as Halle and Sebastian's baby books. I do tend to spend much more time focusing on the fun things and good times that we have together rather than the trials we face daily. We have a lot of extended family who live far away reading about the kids and I feel like I'd like to share with them the most lovebable things about my kids. So yeah, maybe I come across as life is wonderful and nothing every goes wrong, but you know us and know that this is so not true...I'd just rather focus on the postive I guess. We're praying for you and Josh as you go through this time...every night Halle prays for you...EVERY NIGHT! You come right after Uncle Josh and before Uncle Max and Auntie JJ! Pretty special if you ask me! We love you both so much!

Jason and Kristin said...

That's a great question...I've thought about it a lot as I write my blog and as I read other people's blogs. I think it is completely up to you...if it is something really personal that you really only want your close friends and family to know, then I'd say its not blog appopriate...but at the same time, you may learn something amazing through this experience and it could really encourage some other people around you, so at some point you may choose to blog it and you never know who might need to hear it. I'm sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. I will be thinking and praying for you and Josh. I pray that God's hand of comfort and strength will be with you continually as you go through each day. Bless you,

that's us... said...

hey laura,
you and josh have definitely been in our continued prayers. i was so glad to bump into you @ the airport the other night. love you tons!

i guess the whole blog appropriate thing is up to the blogger. it can be a great place to share your adventures, joys and sorrows with those close to you. i've made mine private just to keep it to those i know, mostly with having the kids stuff on it. i love to read people's stories and feelings from the heart, it's neat how every blog is a little different.

talk to you soon!