Monday, August 11, 2008

Fun Weekend :)

This was the first weekend in 3 weeks that Josh and I have been home, and I really enjoyed it! On Friday evening we enjoyed a steak dinner at our friend Troy's house, followed by Dairy Queen Blizzards and a movie! Josh and I have been trying to get together with Troy for weeks now, and were really glad it finally worked out! We had a good night of deep conversations, laughs and great food! Thanks Troy :)
On Saturday morning I slept in then walked out of our room to a deliciousbreakfast made by my wonderful husband! Hashbrowns, bacon and an English Muffin with cream cheese and jam (the first time I heard of this combo years ago I thought it was gross - but it's really tastey!) We had a relaxing day watching a bit of TV and had a good long chat :) We headed out to celebrate my cousin Denver's birthday party... but got the wrong time and were an hour and a half early at the restaurant! Since we were only planning on staying for a bit we didn't hang around for the rest of the gang to arrive. Oh well, these things happen! We headed over to Maple Ridge to Niki and Jason's (Josh's sister and her husband) housewarming party! We had a fun evening of celebrating with them and their friends and family in their new house! Congrats Niki and Jason!!
Sunday came along and Josh and I went to CLA, our home church in Langley. We got to sit with Lisa, Wes and all three boys - which always makes for an interesting time! They are seriously the cutest boys ever (along with Colton!), I can't get enough of them! Corban just wanted Josh and apparently said his name last week, clear as a bell :) Josh had plans to meet up with his friends Matt and Josh F. so I got to take Ethan out on a date!! He LOVES Wall-E and everything about the movie and the characters. So although he's already seen the movie twice at the theatre we went again! He was so sweet when I asked him, his whole face lit up and he said "Okay!! That would be great!" So we went on a fun date, just the two of us :) With many promises to Brandon to take him on a date next time, with just him (and probably Uncle Josh since him and Brandon are good buddies). The movie was pretty cute, but I enjoyed Ethan more, watching him and listening to him tell me all about the movie.
Later that night after I had some good cleaning time (I'm so efficient when I'm home by myself!) my Mom came over. So nice to visit with just her and I - I showed her pics and my blog, and our friends' blogs and pics! My Mom left and Josh still wasn't home so I got the notion to bake... some muffins for the morning and snacks - banana chocolate chip - and some cookies - chocolate and butterscotch chip. Made for a very happy husband!! :) And I made lots of batter so we have it ready for a craving or a guest... you should come over!
So overall it was a really nice weekend, a perfect balance of relaxing, time with friends and family, and getting stuff done around the house!
How was your weekend? I hope you had days full of joy!!

:: Wall - E ::

:: Cookies and Muffins ::

:: Josh licking the batter off the beater - because in every man there is a little boy... and they love cookie batter!! ::


Amanda said...

Awe, it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend Laura! The date with Ethan sounded perfect! So fun! Are you finding yourself taking pictures of random things now that you have a blog? Things like...your baking? haha! I love it! Welcome to the club of blogging and capturing everything thru the camera!

The Samy's said...

Yummy, looks good Laura! Bobby is always the first to ask for the beater so he can lick it too! Boys will be boys!

Jessi said...

Sounds like a nice way to wind down after a few hectic weeks! Ethan told me all about your date tonight over gelato...wish you could have made it but I heard that you were having a date night with the boy. Love catching up on you and we'll take this as our official invitation to your house! Your cookies look so yummy! Have a great day tomorrow! Love, Jessi

Christy said...

No summer day or date is complete without a blizzard! Yum.....looks like your having a great summer. Really enjoy your blog by the way!

Christy said...
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