Wednesday, August 27, 2008


For the past couple MONTHS our kitchen has been driving me nuts. When we moved in we tried to organize it the best we could but things got put in random places and that has continued for 7 months! I've been saying that I really need to just take everything out and put it all back in again, properly organized, giving everything it's place. It is frustrating when you are cooking and can't find what you need, even though you know it's there somewhere! Last night I had finished preparing dinner and was waiting for Josh to get home and I thought hey, I should start the cupboards! No time like the present, right? So I took EVERYTHING out of the kitchen cupboards (except for one cabinet with the plates and such, that one was ok) and put it all on the floor. After dinner I cleaned them all out then Josh and I put everything away, deciding what we used most and where everything should go. There were a few things we haven't used once since being married so those things got put in the laundry/storage room. I'm amazed at how much room we created! I feel so organized and know that cooking and putting dishes away will be much more enjoyable now! I'm so happy we did it and it makes me wonder why I procrastinated for so long... :)


JDWylde26 said...

Hey babe! I just tried leavin' you a comment but it erased my comment sayin' I had to sign up on this. . . don't say I dont love you ;)

I'm so glad you are happy with the way the kitchen turned out last night! Love you Gorgeous!!

Lisa B. said...

I agree...everything in its place always feels better. The organizing and hard work to get it that way sure pays off in the end!

Great job!

Christy said...

It always surprises me how good I feel after doing a major organize.....

Amanda said...

Wanna come and organize my cupboards? Especially my panrty?! I need to go thru that so badly! The doors won't shut properly it's so full and I KNOW there are things I can throw away!

Jessi said...

I bet you love know where everything is at now! My mom is the one who "unloaded" our kitchen when we moved in 2 years ago, and I don't think I've rearranged a single item...well, the tupperware cupboard every once and awhile when it's hard to close the door from all the disorganization!

Great to spend time with you last night! Love, jessa

The Samy's said...

Yah, when I moved in with Bobby after our wedding I couldn't find anything in the cupboards! I did find his gym bag in the dishwashers which he claims he has not used in the last 9 years. When we were on our honeymoon my mom came and organized everything for us, linen closet,kitchen, moved all my clothes in, bathroom and cleaned! It always feels more like home when you know where everything is! Good job Laura!